Tackling Gambling Reform - Oct 2022

As a new Independent Member of Parliament, some have said ‘what can you actually do?’. I want to let you know how I’m using the tools that I have as a Parliamentarian, guided by the issues my community cares about. Each month, I will let you know about a parliamentary tool I’m using and how it is nudging change.

Gambling - Constituent Statements, Committees and Submissions

Every day, 10 MPs have the opportunity to deliver a three-minute ‘constituent statement’ in the Federation Chamber. This is an opportunity to tell a story from your community. Some use this time to recognise good work or significant events happening in their electorate. Not many people are present and the types of stories vary widely. So can they have any impact?

Last month I spoke about gambling advertising. A few constituents had come to see me about their sons losing a lot of money and their concern about gambling becoming a normalised part of watching sport. As a parent of teenagers, this worries me too – there is a gambling ad on TV every 2 minutes in Australia!

The speech was picked up by a number of different media outlets (including here in the Post). Shortly afterwards, the Social Policy and Legal Affairs Committee (which I sit on) announced an inquiry into gambling reform. Was it all because of me? No. But did I contribute a nudge? Maybe.

The inquiry will receive submissions and conduct hearings to understand if change is needed, then make recommendations to the Government, which has six months to respond.

The next step here in Curtin is to develop a Curtin submission. I held my first Youth Advisory Group meeting this week and met with two students from each high school in Curtin. The students indicated they would be willing to share their thoughts to feed into the submission.

If you are concerned about online gambling advertising, email me your submission (kate.chaney.mp@aph.gov.au) and I’ll include it in the submission.


Advocating for Change: Intergenerational Fairness - Nov 2022